the bar method
The Bar Method in Salt Lake City became my home away from camp. I fell so in love with the people and the physical movements, that I wrote a blog about the workouts they provide. The blog was picked up and reposted by The Bar Method’s own blog!
I was asked to co-author a piece for the Backcountry blog about my experience camping with dogs.
weekend roamer
The owner of Weekend Roamer asked me to contribute two blog posts about our wild ride road trip from Utah to the outer edge of Alaska. The button below will take you to our essay about the stop we almost didn’t make - Hyder, AK.
Eureka! Camping
Why do you camp? It’s question I get asked after every excursion, time and time again, from curious folks who want to know what drives me to get out there. I sat down with my friends at Eureka! Camping to talk about the freedom I feel when chasing dirt roads and dancing under the stars.